
On Saturday, 3rd of June, at 11:30, and on Sunday, 11th of June, at 9:30 (repeat) watch the new episode « Moscow suburban sea » of «Shkola remonta» featuring Affresco!

Affresco factory has taken part in a charity episode of «Ideal renovation» TV show for a disabled boy. The episode was arranged by the fund “Step Together” handled by an actor Gosha Kutzenko. Watch the episode on 27th of May at 12:15 on First Channel!

On Saturday, 29th of April, at 11.55 watch the new episode «Grown-up kindergarten» of «Kvartirnyi Vopros» featuring Dream Forest wallpaper by Affresco factory.

On Saturday, 13th of May, at 11:30, and on Sunday, 21st of May, at 9:30 (repeat) watch the new episode «Plush Rock» of «Shkola remonta» featuring Re-Space wallpaper by Affresco!